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Transient Name Server, статистика. Unclasssified ATs, 38218 @07.02.2020, 41856 @20.04.2020.

As of January 1, 2016, the Transient Name Server (TNS) is the official IAU mechanism for reporting new astronomical transients (ATs) such as supernova candidates. Once spectroscopically confirmed, new supernova discoveries are officially designated a SN name (of the form SN 2016A and so on, as before).

This is a continuation of the IAU naming scheme for supernovae which was handled by the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams until the end of 2015, and has been approved as the official IAU naming scheme by the IAU Executive Committee from 1st January 2016.

A name of the form, e.g. 2016ab, defines the object uniquely. Before it is spectroscopically classified it will have a prefix of "AT". If classified as a SN of whichever type, the prefix changes to "SN".

CDS Catalogues. B. Copies of external databases, I. Astrometric Data, II. Photometric Data, III. Spectroscopic Data, V. Combined data.