Местный объем: Catalog & Atlas of the Local Volume galaxies.
The Data base on galaxies in the Local Volume, which locate within 11 Mpc around the Milky Way or have corrected radial velocities VLG < 600 km/s. It contains 1246 objects.
Astronomical Distance Determination in the Space Age. Secondary Distance Indicators (2018).
There are only two current "local" galaxies that are host to multiple SN Ia in the modern observation era. These are NGC 1316, a massive elliptical galaxy in the Fornax cluster, and NGC 5643, a spiral galaxy.
The average number of SNe Ia within a single 5 Mpc bin is ∼20 SNe Ia, which suggests there are 5× more SNe Ia within the volume accessible to HST Cepheid measurements than are currently in the calibration sample (using ∼35–40 Mpc as the limiting volume).
SN 2013aa and SN 2017cbv: Two Sibling Type Ia Supernovae in the Spiral Galaxy NGC 5643.
Using 12 galaxies that hosted two or more SNe Ia, we find that when using SNe Ia, and after accounting for all sources of observational error, one gets consistency in distance to 3%. An archival search for type Ia supernova siblings (2024). The sample comprises 158 galaxies, consisting of 327 confirmed SNe Ia, over 10 times larger than existing sibling SN Ia samples.
While there are a few galaxies that contain three SNe Ia, to date only one galaxy, NGC 1316 (Fornax A), has been found to contain four SNe Ia.
The light-curve of one event (DES16C3nd) has been manually identified as consisting of two clear SN signatures that were separated in time by 200 days (Scolnic et al. 2020). In a similar situation to DES16C3nd within the DES survey, ZTF identified a pair of sibling SNe Ia that exploded within 200 days of each other (Biswas et al. 2022).